Sunday, 7 May 2017

A Successful Liver transplant surgery in India -CMCS Health

Medical Treatments in India with Best Doctors in Best Indian Hospitals.
Jassi is the only son of his aging parents. He had suffered an end-stage liver disease. After spending big money in various hospitals in Delhi and Gurgaon, he approached CMCS Health for his Liver transplant surgeryWe not only conducted a successful liver transplant for him but also convinced his wife to donate a part of her liver to save her ailing husband.
The Organ transplant committee meeting was held within a week of CMCS Health taking over his case and surgery was performed the next week.
By the grace of Almighty and the efforts of the Liver transplant team of doctors, Jassi is given a new lease of life. Today, after 4 years of a successful liver transplant Jassi is living a perfectly normal and healthy life with his life-saving life partner who saved his life by donating a portion of her own liver.
Total transparency, Better care with the best specialist, and a patient-centric approach are hallmarks of CMCS Health.

Jassi with his Mother after a successful liver transplant.

Jassi with his aging parents and his donor wife.

A small celebration for Jassi's successful surgery was attended by a patient from Tanzania and her caretaker aunt.

Our Reward. Smiles on ailing faces.

The lovely couple enjoyed their big moment.

The Customary sightseeing post the successful liver transplant.

Dreams in eyes for a better and healthier future.

All smiles.

At India Gate.

Jassi, three months after her successful liver transplant visited us for a review.

The Loving husband and doting wife.

Four years after the successful liver transplant, they are living a normal healthy life.

1 comment:

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