Showing posts with label Liver Transplant In India. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Liver Transplant In India. Show all posts

Wednesday, 26 January 2022

Liver transplant surgery in India.

Liver transplant surgery in India.

Liver transplant In India.

Liver transplant surgery is recommended for those who have an end-stage liver disease, chronic liver failure, or some primary, localized liver cancers.
At CMCS Health and medicare Pvt.Ltd., we are associated with the best Indian Liver transplant surgeons at the most well-equipped Indian hospitals for liver transplant surgery in India for our global guests.

Why a liver transplant is needed?

Why a liver transplant is needed?

Liver transplant surgery is recommended for patients who are diagnosed with end-stage liver disease due to chronic liver failure or some primary localized liver cancers.
Liver cirrhosis is a major reason for end-stage liver disease. Cirrhosis usually takes place when liver tissues or damaged due to untreated viral hepatitis infections like hepatitis B & Hepatitis C, hepatitis A and hepatitis D, excessive alcohol consumption, damage to liver tissues due to an injury, or exposure to toxins. 
Acute liver necrosis is the death of liver tissues due to damage because of substance or toxins exposure, misuse, or overuse of some medications like acetaminophen or paracetamol.
Auto-immune hepatitis is an auto-immune disorder where the body's own defense mechanism starts destroying liver tissues.
Certain metabolic diseases and heavy alcohol consumption which lead to alcoholic liver disease also are the causes liver becoming cirrhotic.

Signs and symptoms of end-stage liver disease: 

Signs and symptoms of end stage liver disease or chronic liver failure.

Symptoms of liver disease appear in the advanced stage.
  • The first symptom of an end-stage liver disease or chronic liver failure is swelling of the abdomen because of fluid buildup ( asities ), swelling of the legs is also observed in end-stage liver disease patients (edema).
  • Persistent yellowing of skin and eyes due to jaundice.
  • Patients with end-stage liver disease also have severe to moderate itching on the skin.
  • End-stage liver disease patients are also prone to easy bruising and bleeding.
  • Patients may lose their normal and complain of abdominal pain.
  • Many patients also have problems with concentration and memory problems.

Diagnosis of  End stage liver disease or chronic liver failure :

How an end stage liver disease or chronic liver failure is diagnosed ?

When a doctor suspects an end-stage liver disease or chronic liver failure he recommends blood tests including liver function tests and other genetic tests to know the cause of liver disease.
Imaging tests like triphasic CT scans, MRIs, and PET CT in case a cancer is suspected also help in establishing the diagnosis of end-stage liver disease.

At CMCS Health and Medicare Pvt. Ltd., we are associated with the best Indian hospitals and specialist doctors for the correct diagnosis of end-stage liver disease or chronic liver failure.

Once the correct diagnosis is established doctor may recommend a liver transplant, depending on the age and overall general health of the patient.
As deceased liver donors are not freely and readily available, living donor liver transplants are done for end-stage liver disease, chronic liver failure, and primary localized liver cancer patients.


Please see the video.

CMCS Health is the Best Medical Tourism Provider Agency for foreign patients seeking low-cost Liver Transplant Surgery. We have successfully coordinated scores of successful liver transplant surgery for patients from Pakistan and Uzbekistan.

Click here to Get counseling for a liver transplant Surgery in India.

Sunday, 7 May 2017

A Successful Liver transplant surgery in India -CMCS Health

Medical Treatments in India with Best Doctors in Best Indian Hospitals.
Jassi is the only son of his aging parents. He had suffered an end-stage liver disease. After spending big money in various hospitals in Delhi and Gurgaon, he approached CMCS Health for his Liver transplant surgeryWe not only conducted a successful liver transplant for him but also convinced his wife to donate a part of her liver to save her ailing husband.
The Organ transplant committee meeting was held within a week of CMCS Health taking over his case and surgery was performed the next week.
By the grace of Almighty and the efforts of the Liver transplant team of doctors, Jassi is given a new lease of life. Today, after 4 years of a successful liver transplant Jassi is living a perfectly normal and healthy life with his life-saving life partner who saved his life by donating a portion of her own liver.
Total transparency, Better care with the best specialist, and a patient-centric approach are hallmarks of CMCS Health.

Jassi with his Mother after a successful liver transplant.

Jassi with his aging parents and his donor wife.

A small celebration for Jassi's successful surgery was attended by a patient from Tanzania and her caretaker aunt.

Our Reward. Smiles on ailing faces.

The lovely couple enjoyed their big moment.

The Customary sightseeing post the successful liver transplant.

Dreams in eyes for a better and healthier future.

All smiles.

At India Gate.

Jassi, three months after her successful liver transplant visited us for a review.

The Loving husband and doting wife.

Four years after the successful liver transplant, they are living a normal healthy life.

Monday, 21 September 2015

Life saving-cost effective-Organ transplants in India.| CMCS Health.

Life Saving-Cost Effective-Organ Transplant in India | CMCS Health

Today India is one of the leading destinations in Asia for Life Saving - Cost Effective -Organ Transplants in India. Total transparency in proceedings ,Ethical modus operandi,Globally at par competency and expertise of Doctors and paramedical staffs,modern and well equipped treatment centers have made India the sought after country among the global population for an organ transplant.

The history of  Kidney transplant in India dates back to 1970's and since then India has consolidated its position not only among the natives but among the people from all across the Globe.The beginning of Kidney transplant surgery in India in the first few years of it's inception was involved with grooming of surgical skills and mastering the immunosuppression for acceptance of  the newly transplanted graft in the recipient and minimizing the graft rejection.With passage of time,the success rates achieved with advent of newer immunosuppressive medications and growing in expertise of surgery skills are phenomenal.
As all the new beginnings are surrounded by controversies ,the live donor organ transplants program was also marred by the news of organ trading and commercialization from many quarters.
Indian Government on  it's part passed the The transplantation of human organ act (THO) to curb the menace and regulate the live donor organ transplants in India which made the selling and purchasing of humans organ for transplant a crime and approved cadaveric organ transplant after the brain death of a healthy person as a viable option for the patients advised an organ transplant by the medical specialists.
Since the cadaveric donation is still in a nascent stage there is a huge shortfall or gap in the demand and supply for patients seeking an organ transplant to overcome an end stage disease of kidney,liver, bone marrow,lung,heart or pancreas.
Certain amendments have been made since then by the government to regulate the organ transplantation for end stage diseases. The New amendments allow a live donor organ transplant from close relatives with strict guidelines.

As per the new ruling of the government of India, for regulating the Organ transplant in india following parameters are to be met:

For a live donor Kidney or Liver Transplant the Following people are considered as related donors:

The blood relative who are allowed to donate for a end stage organ failure patient are Mother,father,son,daughter,brothers and sisters and a husband/wife. After much deliberations Grandparents and grandchildren are also included in list of blood relatives.A DNA /HLA test is done to determine the relationship of donor and recipient along with other legal documentations for proving them to be blood relative,in front of Government of India appointed Organ transplant committee for approval.

In case there is no blood relative available for a patient,other relatives may also be considered as live donor with proper documentation and proofs of their being relatives and that the donation is being done only because of altruism and affection and no financial gain for the donor or pressure of any sort is put on the donor. Again the donor and recipient have to appear in front of Government of India appointed organ transplant committee for approval with all relevant documentation and a personal interview.

Cadaveric Donations have still not picked up as desired and there is a huge gap between the recipients waiting for a donated organ and cadaveric donations. Now because of awareness created by certain NGO's and government bodies the cadaveric donations have very slowly started picking up,but still the gap between demand and supply is mammoth.

Doctors ascertain that for a Live donor Kidney transplant , the donor have to be a healthy individual between the age of 18 years to 55 years.

The renowned Kidney disease and kidney transplant specialist of India ascertain the risk and post donation life of a live Kidney donor as safe and without any foreseen complications. The risk for live donor's single Kidney going bad are similar to that of a person with both kidneys.

For a Live Donor Liver Transplant, The Leading Liver Disease specialist and Liver transplant surgeons  insist that the liver functions are restored in the live donor within 3 to 6 weeks of the donation to almost full functionality of prior to donation.

A through screening of the donor before transplant,ensures that there is no abnormal risk to donor and post donation life of the donor.
The expertise of doctors and post transplant Paramedic and ICU staff,well equipped and well managed hospitals have made the live donor kidney and liver transplant  see a success rate of almost 95%, with no major or abnormal risk to life and post donation life for the donor.

Saturday, 6 June 2015

Best And Affordable Liver Transplants in India.

Know your Liver:
Liver is the Largest Gland in Human Body with many important functions to perform. Any derialment in Liver Function need to be addressed immediately to avoid long term damage, which may be potentially fatal. Although Dialysis can temporarily improve the condition of patient of end stage liver disease,but Liver transplant is the only option for saving the life of patients suffering from end stage liver disease. Liver Has many important functions to perform in human body.The major functions of a healthy liver can be listed as:- Processing of food digested from intestine,manufacturing bile which is essential for digestion,Neutralizing and destroying drugs and toxins,Fighting infections in body.Breaking down food components for providing energy for body functions,making protiens and enzymes responsible for blood clotting and repairing damaged tissues. 

What are Symptoms of an Ailing liver:
Symptoms of Liver Disease In the beginning of liver disease the symptoms are not noteworthy but as the disease progress they become noticeable ,although these symptom could be because of other causes too,but if the above symptoms appear in people living in high prevalence areas like PAKISTAN and MONGOLIA they must get themselves examined for a possible liver disease. A general fatigue or weakness without a relevant reason. Swelling of feet and face,abnormal itching of skin,Jaundice-Yellowing of skin and eyes,distension or heaviness in abdomen because of fluid retention,GI bleeding ,coffee or black color stools,vomiting blood or bleeding in subcutaneous tissues,Hepato encephalopathy that may result in change of behavior,altered sensorium,drowsiness and confusions, which may look like disorientation.

What is ESLD or End stage Liver Disease:
 What Is Cirrhosis or ESLD (End stage Liver disease) ? Liver tissues are basically sponge in nature but due to various factors they may turn into scar tissues over a period of time, this scarring of liver tissues is generally called cirrhosis. What Causes ESLD ? Hepatitis B and Hapatitis C infections, Alcohol induced liver disease,Fatty Liver disease,Autoimmune liver disease,Cryptogenic liver disease,Primary biliary cirrhosis,secondry biliary cirhosis and primary sclerosing cholongitis etc. In chidren, absence of bile duct since birth,metabolic disease,progreesive Familial intrahepatic Cholestatis and congenital Hepatic fibrosis could be the reason for Cirrhosis of liver.

Liver diseases can be chronic( Over a long period of time) or Acute (Sudden)
Liver disease can be classified as chronic and acute. In Acute liver disease the damage to otherwise healthy liver takes place in a few days or few weeks. In acute Liver failure the patient have the symptoms of Jaundice which progresses rapidly and patient may go in coma. It is a potentially fatal condition if not treated in time. Liver transplant is the only viable option for an acute liver failure patient. Causes of Acute Liver Failure Overdose of drugs like paracetamol or acetaminophen. Viral hepatitis A,B, or Hepatitis E. Metabolic disorder like Wilson’s disease and fatty liver during pregnancy.

Understanding Liver Transplant:
Liver transplant is replacing faulty or damaged liver by a healthy liver obtained from a deceased or a healthy living donor who is a close relative to patient.Liver transplant is a complicated surgery which requires a good hospital set up, qualified and experienced team of transplant surgeons, hepatologist,anaesthetists ,a transplant coordinator and an effective co ordination between all of them and of course family of the patient.The role of family is equally important for a successful liver transplant. Who requires a liver transplant? Liver disease patients Suffering from acute/Fulminant liver failure, decompensated cirrhosis and a few and not all liver cancers.
Majority of liver transplants in India are done through live donors because of non availability of deceased donors. The donor has to be a healthy man/woman in the age bracket of 18 to 55 years of age and a close relative to patient. The donor has to undergo a battery of tests to ascertain the fitness for liver donation. A Fit Donor can donate upto 70% of his liver without any complications. Within 3 to 6 weeks 100% functionality of liver is restored in donor and he/she starts living normal life as he /she was doing before donating the liver. There is no shortfall or handicap in post liver donation for the donor but b’cause of his/her donation a life is saved. 

Precautions for donor, post liver donation :
Usually donor stays in ICU for two days post liver donation and then shifted to normal hospital room for another 3-4 days for observation.When the donor is discharged from hospital ,they are generally on normal diet and start their daily core activities on their own.They need a further follow up post discharge from hospital for a fortnight and can leave for their home afterwards.There are no life style changes or dietary restriction or any long usage of medication. The only precaution donor needs to take is to avoid any strenuous physical activity for six months as in any other normal abdomen surgery .There is usually no serious life threatening danger involved for donor if proper screening of donor’s fitness have been done prior to surgery.

Precautions for Patient,Post Liver transplant :
Patients stay in ICU usually for 5-7 days and then are shifted to normal room for another 10 days before being discharged from hospital.They are advised to stay closer to hospital for another 3-4 weeks post discharge for follow up. Once they stabilizes completely doctors may advise them to leave for their home. Success of a liver transplant depends a great deal on post transplant care. As the patient is put on immunosuppressive medication to avoid rejection of newly transplanted liver ,Patient must ensure a good personal hygiene to avoid infections. Timely and regular follow up with their doctors with prescribed test reports. Taking the medicines at the proper time.Abstaining from outside and street food to avoid any possible infections,avoiding any stressful or heavy physical activity in the first six months of surgery.

  • An Advise for Global guests seeking Liver transplant In India. Before starting for india for a liver transplant,guest must procure all the relevant information before hand. The first step is to select a hospital for their transplant and then do certain prelim tests and send the tests reports to the concerned doctors for getting the opinion if they require a liver transplant . Arranging a suitable and fit donor from their family ,do the prelim tests for donor and send the reports to concerned doctor for assessment of fitness of donor. Sometimes the patient fly in with unsuitable donor and then once the donor is rejected as unfit,they have to find another donor and that makes them overstay in India and increase the cost of India Stay.

  •  We at Complete Medicare Solutions do all the co ordination for guests seeking a liver transplant in India. We help them in selecting a hospital and specialist doctors, Arrangements for India stay in a hotel or fully furnished serviced apartments, Helping in issuance of Medical and Medical X visa,local transportation and  coordinating with hospital and doctors for scheduling the Liver transplant.