
Monday, 13 February 2017

Breast Cancer risk factors - CMCS Health.

Breast cancer treatments in India with best Indian Breast cancer specialists.

Breast cancer awareness / Breast cancer treatments in India.

Many of the doctors around the world feels that early detection can save thousands of precious lives every year. Awareness among global population about the screenings for early detection of breast cancer and who are at greater risk of developing breast cancer can really help in saving precious lives. We at  CMCS Health offer best and affordable Breast Cancer treatment in India. with best Indian breast cancer specialist doctors at well equipped and well managed hospitals.  Let us understand certain basics about breast cancer.

Breast cancer awareness / Breast cancer treatments in India.

What are the risk factors associated with breast cancer:

It is very difficult to pin point factors responsible for breast cancer. Many of the women who were exposed to breast cancer risk factors never had breast cancer whereas many women who developed breast cancer have no apparent risk factor, of course apart from being a woman and growing old.
But some of the established risk factors associated with breast cancer are listed below.


Age is a major factor for breast cancer,usually older woman are more prone to develop breast cancer but there are reported incidences of young woman developing breast cancer too. Women who are fifty and above have higher incidences of developing breast cancer. In general ,the women who are diagnosed with breast cancer,about 8 out of 10 woman were aged above 50.Women who are in the age group of 50-70 years and carry other risk factors needs to be screened every third year as an effective measure for early diagnosis and better treatment options.


Recent oral contraceptive usage:

Certain studies suggest that women who are currently on oral contraceptive pills are marginally more susceptible to breast cancer than the women who have never used them.Women goes back to normal risk of acquiring breast cancer once they stop using oral contraceptive pills. Studies suggest that after 10 years of stopping oral contraceptive pills women have the same risk of getting breast cancer as of those who have never taken oral contraceptive pills.
Women should be advised by their family physician the choice of oral contraceptive pills after considering other risk factors.

Hormone replacement therapy after menopause:

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) , post menopausal hormone therapy ( PHT) or Menopausal hormonal therapy (MHT) are synonyms for medications given to post menopausal women for relieving the symptoms of menopause and preventing osteoporosis ( Bones getting brittle and porn to fractures).
There are three main types of hormone replacement therapies for post menopausal women.

Combined  Hormone Therapy (HT):

Combined hormonal therapy consists of  estrogen and progesterone and is usually prescribed to women who retains the uterus.Progesterone is needed b'cause only estrogen will increase the risk of women getting uterine cancer. The increase in risk for women taking combined hormone therapy can be seen even in a very short span of two years. Women taking combined hormone therapy are also exposed to risk of breast cancer being diagnosed in a very advance stage.As per the studies only those women on combined HT stand the danger of getting breast cancer who are current or recent users.
After 5 years of quitting HT therapy their risk of getting breast cancer is almost similar to those women who have never been prescribed combined HT.

Estrogen alone therapy (ET):

Women who have undergone a hysterectomy (uterus removal surgery) are generally prescribed Estrogen alone for relieving symptoms of menopause. ET alone was not associated with significant increase in risk of breast cancer but there are studies which shows that usage of ET after a long duration ( About 10 years or more) increases the risk of post menopausal women of getting breast or uterine cancer.

Bio-similars or Bio-identicals:

Biosimilars are bioidenticals are being marketed as of exactly same chemical structure as human hormones (estrogen and progestin). Theoretically they are supposed to cause less side effects as compared to synthetic versions.There are not many studies establishing the superiority and safety of biosimilars to existing synthetic preparations.

Hormone replacement therapies should be taken only after the physician makes the women understand the benefits and potential side effects. A due consideration should also be given for other risk factors like heart disease,blood clots and strokes.

Family History or Genetic Factors:

Family history plays an important role in predicting for possible development of breast cancer in a woman. A woman whose mother,sister or daughter has developed breast cancer and someone who has more than one first degree relative,who  has developed breast cancer is at 2 -3 times higher risk of developing breast cancer. BRCA genes (BRCA1 and BRCA2and less common PTENTP53 are identified as the genes which controls any abnormal cell growth. A mutation in these genes, inherited from either of the parents increases the chances of a woman developing breast cancer.

Race and Ethnicity:

It is ironical but with reasonable justifications that white women are more prone for being diagnosed with breast cancer as compared to black women. But the rate of mortality is higher in black women as compared to white women. It may be because of the early screening as per the developed countries norms and lack of proper screening and diagnostic centers in under developed countries.
The lifestyles and cultural norms also play an important role as causative factor for breast cancer.

Life Styles related factors:

Obesity and being overweight:

Women having a BMI ( Body mass index ) over 25 stand higher risk of getting breast cancer as compared to women with normal body weight.Being over weight also increase the risk of recurrence for a previously treated breast cancer patient. An interesting fact for ladies and their men is extra fat around belly is linked with increased breast cancer risk as compared to same amount of fat around thighs and hips.

Dietary Habits: 

Sedentary Lifestyles:

Living a physically active life reduces risk of breast cancer.Regular exercising controls blood sugar levels and limits blood levels of a hormone called insulin growth factor. Insulin growth factor are proven to have a role in growth of breast cells and their behavior.
Moderate to intense exercise schedules of 4 to 7 hours per week are believed to reduce breast cancer risks.

Alcohol Consumption:

Drinking alcoholic beverages like liquor, beer and wine can increase estrogen and other hormone levels which can increase risk of hormone receptor positive breast cancer. Regular Alcohol consumption is also known to damage DNA in cells and thus increase breast cancer risks.


Smoking or tobacco consumption is linked with many cancer risks including breast cancers.Studies suggests that smoking increases the risk of breast cancer in premenopausal women. Studies also suggest a possible co relation between exposure to heavy second hand smoke with high breast cancer risk in post menopausal women.

Exposures of harmful materials and chemicals:

Exposure to radiation therapy or Diethylstilbestrol exposure is linked with breast cancer risk.

For any queries please feel free to contact us.We will get back to you after consulting with the competent specialists.

Breast cancer treatments in India.